24 May 2011

BE A STUDENT of inevitability

Ask yourself often, "In all honesty, if I keep up my current daily practices, where will they lead me in 10 years?"

I work with people who perhaps want to learn a different set of practices so they arrive at a well designed future rather than an un-designed future.

If you're sat in a rowing boat without a motor and no oars 200 feet from the drop on Niagra Falls, we would call that inevitable. My role is to spot people drifting well upstream so they can make alternate choices while options are still available.

Ask, "What or who's plan am I following? Is it mine or the one someone else gave me? Is it working? Do I need a better plan? What do I need to work on that is not working now? Do I have a good plan, but need to take action on it?"

1 comment:

  1. Well that has got me thinking..... Great visualization there.
