13 November 2010


We will encounter all kinds of obstacles whilst progressing towards pre-determined goals. Think of a process in your business...for example, customer aquisition. What are all the possibilities? Some people you're referred to will take the call and set the appointment; some people will never take the call and will never return messages; some people will show up at the appointment; some people will not show up at the appointment; some people will show up prepared for the best experience; some people won't be prepared; some will become clients; some won't become clients, etc, etc. All of these things we know will happen. There's a name for all these things: it's called, 'Normal'. It's normal to have some of all this stuff in order to reach a point where you have a business that works for you and works for the community of your ideal customers and clients.

There's an old saying: before enlightenment, what should you do? Answer: fetch wood and carry water; after enlightenment, what should you do? Answer: fetch wood and carry water. So, don't over-celebrate your successes and by the same token don't over-bemoan your 'failures' along the path. Stay consistent.

Resolve not to be deterred by obstacles that you know will occur.

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