I was comfortably seated in the tea rooms at Killerton with a Coffee and a piece of Victoria Sponge while Vanessa was inspecting the Plant Sales area (of course) and also the English Blue Bells (of course). I was reading ‘Leading an Inspired Life’ by Jim Rohn (yes, of course!)
As I sit here now reading my journal of that day, I made the note of what Jim says: “Lack of success comes from lack of confidence; lack of confidence comes from not doing what you could do. Disciplined action fosters self esteem and self respect. Even a little neglect is dangerous. Our lives will serve as either a warning or as an example. A warning of the consequences of neglect, self pity, lack of direction and ambition or an example of talent put to use, of discipline self imposed, and of objectives clearly perceived and intensely pursued”.
Isn’t it fascinating that reflection on our journals serve as a place for the truth to descend and, in that moment, give us the coaching we may need to help us stay on the path?
Well I thought you may get value from this should you ever feel like you lack confidence. Knowing that you’ve done what you know you could is the start of it all.
Well, all that said and contemplated and having then inspected every Blue Bell petal, we progressed to the Killerton House itself. I think Vanessa played Moonlight Sonata on their grand piano before we ascended to the costume collection whose theme this time was all the changes of clothes people had to make during the day in order to be properly atired for a cup of tea and a cucumber sandwich. What a palava.
Then Vanessa bought more plants (of course!).