You know how sometimes we may get a little frustrated when a prospective customer or team member may not respond the way we had hoped, or an existing client or business partner doesn’t behave the way we would have liked?
Well, this is not productive and even reduces productivity for the future because we can be hesitant the next time we approach someone.
It’s a bit like playing golf and being unable to forget a bad shot. It is not useful to carry the negative emotions and feelings about the bad shot into the next. It’s better to let it go.
Our success or failure is never based on how a single event turns out. The decision of one potential or existing client or business partner is not the issue. The issue is our daily habits, performed consistently over a reasonable amount of time.
Imagine what would happen if the majority of our working days were invested in the correct amount of high pay-off activities consistently. People will respond both positively and not so positively, but what if you didn’t let obstacles that you know will occur deter you from doing what will lead to working with your next customer, client, team member or business partner? Imagine the results you’d receive.
You and I have little influence, if any, over how a person will respond but we can learn to let it go. The best way to let it go is to take goal directed action so that you do not empower a few individuals who may struggle to make decisions about working with you control your destiny.
Learn to let it go.
(With thanks to Bill Bachrach for inspiring this blog)